Category: assignments

  • For December 20th

    Extra credit quiz (optional) is due by 11:59pm on Dec. 20th. Only your final submission will be graded.

  • For December 18th

    You will be presenting your final projects in class. The finalized webpages are due by 11:59pm, as well as the ~100 word essay on your own contributions to the group project. For details, see this document.

  • For November 20th

    Read pp.146–159 in the Wardhaugh textbook. There will be a quiz at the start of class.

  • For November 13

    Read pp.135–145 in the Wardhaugh textbook. There will be a quiz on this reading at the start of class.

  • For November 6

    Groups 1 & 2: read Hoffman’s ‘Sociolinguistic Interviews’ Groups 3 & 4: read Schleef ’s ‘Written Surveys and Questionnaires in Sociolinguistics’ All groups: Meet with me over Zoom at the time/day we set, as follows: Coptic: 3pm on Friday, 1 November Albanian: 4:30pm on Friday, 1 November Georgian: 5:30pm on Friday, 1 November Tagalog: 4:30pm…

  • For October 30th

    Read chapter 6 in the Chelliah & Reuse book available on the Readings page. There will be a quiz on this reading at the start of class. Polish up your group pages so that they’re in a state that you’re happy with – well-written and accurately summarizing your group’s work on this topic language so…

  • For October 23rd

    Two assignments: 1. With your final project group, write a literature review for your research language and add it to your group’s page on this site. It should be 500–800 words long and include a references section at the end. All works should be cited according to the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics. For guidelines…

  • For October 16th

    Read “Field Methods” by Carmen Llamas, available on the readings page of this site. There will be a quiz on this reading at the start of class.

  • For October 9th

    With your final project group, you will write a short essay which will form the basis of your research project. Based on today’s discussions, your research group should talk to your language consultant(s) – the people you know who speak your research language. Ask them about their language, using Bell’s criteria to guide your questions.…

  • For September 25th

    Like last week, the readings depend on which reading group you’re in. Come prepared to discuss your reading. Consider the language in light of Bell’s criteria. (As a refresher, see p.33 in Wardhaugh and our slides from 4 September.) As a group, choose two or three of Bell’s criteria to discuss the language in light…